Monday, August 31, 2009

Changing times....

This is my little family celebrating Garrett's 19th Birthday last August 7, 2009.
Changes changes, it seems they are here to stay for awhile...My sweet daughter Savanna has decided to be called 'Sophie' by her teachers & classmates this year ~ I know many people who have had a nick name over the years and I figure it cannot hurt anything, she will grow out of this phase sooner of later anyway! Her choice in clothing is a bit more colorful than I would like at times, but the house rule is ~ as long as my rugrats are behaving and making good grades, they are allowed to wear pretty much whatever they like (within reason is the hard part lately).. she had a new guinea pig, her name is Kendra & she is spoiled rotten of course! ☺

Sophie is almost as tall as I am!! ...and he towers over me!

Garrett is starting college classes, prepping for the culinary school he is interested in attending once we are moved up to NC ~ Sam will be attending with him. He is re building his bass guitar and so far so good, I am happy to see him be resourceful and recycling!

I am so proud of the awesome young man he is becoming! Here he is with his loving girlfriend of 2 years...Samantha ~ I love her like a daughter!

I will no longer be living the life of a Single Mom once we move....I am pretty set in my ways so Frankie and I have been doing voluntary pre marital counseling. Hope it helps up through the transition we are about to make in all our lives....God has blessed us by bringing us back together and we pray he will bless our home together ☺

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