Thursday, June 24, 2010

Queen of our Castle

This graphic probably comes closest to describing how I feel in regards to the way I deserve to be treated!! I am lucky enough to be loved by a wonderful man who cherishes me and our love and I can feel it every day!!

I am gaining a few lbs...not on purpose but from all my great cooking, made from scratch baking, freezer jam making domestic diva self!! I told Frankie tonight, "Thanks for my new job title" he said "what's that?" I told him, he laughed.....:) I made Blueberry Lemon Bars for dessert tonight after cooking a delicious Chicken Stir-Fry. The Blackberry Jam we made last night is unbelievable! soo good and it was easier to make than pancakes on a Sunday morning!
I made a chore list for the rugrats today, to help guide them when I am OFF my feet for a few months....Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Outdoor chores ~ quite a lot of things to do around here to keep the household running smoothly!

Frankie is always ready to pitch in and help around here, he works so hard already I want him to be able to come home and just RELAX!!
I was a working Mom for 20 years and keep the household running on a skeleton scale, doing only what I had to do, there was so much and I was only one little person! Now I am happy to make a soft place for him to fall at the end of his day..right into my arms.....

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